IP: immortalmc.net

What is IMMC?

Immortal MC (or IMMC, formerly Immortal Minecraft) is a small, community led, whitelisted SMP. With a friendly playerbase and a non-intrusive, ongoing storyline told through quests, live events, and a youtube webseries

We are currently on versions 1.20.1

We also have a public minigames server that doesn't require the whitelist, as well as a whitelisted Modded SMP


Who are we?

We are a somewhat mature group of people, so we're looking for those who are of similar mind. We require whitelisted players to be age 15+ and would prefer members to act sensibly

The Survival Server

The survival world is the main feature of the server, which is a vanilla SMP with some plugin tweaks. The overall feel is still very vanilla, but with some extra friendly features such as minor custom items and crafting changes for quality of life. Many Player projects are always ongoing, one led by a player named "White" is the metro system, connecting all bases with a completely organised ice boat rail system. Similar to the London Underground

The Modded Server

After over 3 years of asking, the modded server is finally here!

The Modded Server is a whitelisted Modded SMP with a specially selected modpack that fits our community's play style. This includes the mods Create, Biomes o' Plenty, Ad Astra, and More!

Find out more here


The minigames server is not whitelsited, and so anyone can join. It includes games such as Hunger Games, Impostor, Bedwars, and Tumble!

Find out more here

What else do we offer?

Other gamemodes include the Creative Server, which is an unlimited sketchbook world for players to test out builds and ideas while having access to plugins, and under the conditions of the survival server tweaks. 

We also have Limited time events, such as a previous Hardcore Event, which put players head to head in a 500x500 hardcore world, with the last surviving player winning a prize.

What are the Rules?

The following rules apply to all gamemodes:

What Plugins do we use?

Here is a quick summary of the major plugins in Survival you should know about!

Citizens, Dynmap, Items Adder, Custom Crafting, Shulker Packs, Vein Miner, and more! For more info head to the Features Wiki